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Regardless of the popularity of oversimplified statements like “the only defense you need is a good offense,” the reality is that the ability to stay safe is also relevant in self-protection scenarios. This workshop covers principles and tactics for avoiding common attacks that result in a loss of consciousness, which is a devastating result in any scenario in which your goal is to protect yourself or others. Anything you can do to avoid getting knocked out is critical to survival.

“Cheat” to gain distance (Fence or Forklift)

  1. Maintain consciousness versus common strikes (Long frame, High Shield)
  2. Speed drill “weathering the storm” with pool noodles then gloves, power drill the cover with target mitt
  3. “Crashing the line.” Theory is “All the way in or all the way out.”
  4. Countering “The Slam” (Drill: Level change, Knee swipe, Elbow frame, Bump & Sprawl, Stuff the head).
  5. Add “Wall Sprawl” for any solid object if time and venue allow.