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Many physical conflicts involve situations where someone is trying to control you at a very close (clinch) range. This workshop is the first of several where we cover principles and techniques for turning that situation to our advantage by understanding and applying the mechanisms of control.

  1. Double over-arm grab: drop hips for base, palm-up double curl, turn, step behind into bodylock, headlock escape, or universal clinch.
  2. Double under arm grab: high grab, drop weight for base, tap dance your feet to keep under you (not out in front, will fall if dropped), pivot hip and kick one leg behind him and lean over hip to takedown. Low grab, pop hips out if early, tripod if late-free hips, trap arm in kimura as an option.
  3. Wrist grab: throw vertical elbow to his center line. Additions-strikes to face, arm drag, hand off to baseball bat 2on1.
  4. Elbow-wrist grab/drag: strip wrist grip, swim for underhook (options: underhook & post, underhook control, universal clinch, etc.)
  5. Power drag: begin to sit down if base is overwhelmed, bring knees to chest then place feet on hips, up-kick and/or “simple sweep” and control heel for “old man stand-up.”