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In many environments, the most readily available means for increasing your ability to protect yourself or others may not rely on tools that are conventionally seen as weapons. However, your mind and your creativity are something that goes with you everywhere. This workshop is aimed at expanding the awareness of participants as it relates to using their environment, along with some other options not commonly thought of, to increase their odds of surviving a violent encounter. This workshop will build on information covered in previous workshops.

  1. Delivery System is our striking class
  2. Mind is primary weapon
  3. Flexible, sharp, blunt, & projectile weapon categories
  4. Targeting, and strategy (deter, disengage, damage, etc.)
  5. Element of surprise & availability

This workshop covers everyday objects that can be used as improvised weapons for self-defense:

  1. Flashlight & pepper spray
  2. Pens, saps, improvised saps
  3. Blunt weapons, tradesman tools, non-permissive environment (NPE) weapons, cigarette lighters, sleeve chokes, bracelet chokes, seatbelt chokes, fire extinguisher and other aerosol spray, “poor man’s flame thrower.”