Whether it’s for survival in the winter or summer, learn how to set up your vehicle with the right gear in the right places for maximum survivability if you find yourself in peril while driving. You can reduce what would be a serious emergency to just a speed bump along the way.
- Get your car ready for a cross-country road trip, daily commute, or bugging out of a disaster area.
- Learn to prioritize gear and tool location in the vehicle for fast response situations.
- What types of tools or devices should you carry in your vehicle.
- What to do in a medical emergency.
- What to do if you make a wrong turn and find yourself surrounded by a friendly protest that’s deteriorated into mob justice.
- Mission/trip planning
- Offroad your 4×4 truck with the peace of mind that you have the equipment and training to make it home safely.
- What to do if you make a wrong turn and find yourself surrounded by a friendly protest that’s deteriorated into mob justice.
We have found through real-world experience in the military, and while providing close-protection to clients across the globe, that being proactive and spending hours before hand setting up vehicles and preparing them for multiple contingencies in the event of a catastrophe, improves efficiency and survivability! Our goal is to help you be better prepared for vehicle operations and to increase survivability through proper planning and preparation.
During this two hour course, we will discuss examples of how to set up your vehicle for various scenarios as well as show examples of how Instructor vehicles are set up and the gear we personally carry.